The Yoga of Brainbloodvolume

                         PERMANENTLY PRESSED OUT


The YOGA of BRAINBLOODVOLUME will,through intellectual understanding and physical practise of its 3 SUTRAS, lead the INDIVIDUAL ISNESS incarnated in the human body of any gender or skin colour into living in the metaphysically mystical state of SELF-REALISATION with its EXPERIENTIAL kNOWINGNESS of  RE-UNION with the ISNESS of the UNIVERSE.  This is the state of experiential knowingness of your unique and autonomous nature as an INDIVIDUAL ISNESS.

Every INDIVIDUAL ISNESS is a small but equal and unique and autonomous portion of the ISNESS of the UNIVERSE that incarnates in a series of human bodies,lifetime after lifetime,until SELF-REALISATION,with its concomitant UNION with the ISNESS of the UNIVERSE is attained to. This state is BEYOND ENLIGHTENMENT and has no gods or godesses. Your active membership of this state generates neutral Karma leading to experiential knowingness of  the  "something behind it all" which is the ISNESS of the UNIVERSE and which is the Creative Centre of all beings and beingness. Existence is revealed as its very "SELF"



                                   SUTRA 1

                  HOMO SAPIENS CORRECTUS

                         The Large Mechanism


In this, the 1st SUTRA, Bart Huges explains the disadvantages of having sealed Osseus Integuements of the cranium and how to bring about reversal of their effects of decreasing the brainbloodvolume by  trephination and/or by using psychovitamins with their temporary physiological and metaphysical effects of increasing the Brainbloodvolume. By increasing the glucose and oxygen content of the blood you will experience "the best vibes that there are in all existence "-- your eternal  nature awaits--come! Explore YOUR-SELF--..


Brainbloodvolume and cerebrospinal fluid are 2 bodily fluids permanently subjected to gravity's downward pull . Cerebrospinal fluid is lighter than blood , so it rises and floats upwards into swelling the brain ventricles while the brainblood is pulled down into the body's central nervous system, thereby decreasing the brainbloodvolume and preventing access to the higher braincentres. Any slight increase in the brainbloodvolume squeezes the brain's tissues which causes the pineal body in the brain to be squeezed and secrete its psychovitamin Bufotenin which in turn restricts the drain veins in the neck thereby increasing the brainbloodvolume. All other psychovitamins ( LSD, Mescalin, Psyllocybin, Cannabis) also act by constricting the drain veins in the neck , causing the brainbloodvolume to back up and accumulate in the brain thereby increasing the volume of blood in the brain -- the Mechanism of Brainbloodvolume in action. If there is sufficient oxygen and glucose in the brainblood the effects of Hypoxia(insufficient oxygen) and Hypoglycaemia(insufficient glucose) will be avoided and the experience will lead to experiential knowingness of your eternal nature.

This 1st SUTRA was researched and written by Mr Bart Huges with support and advice from his ammanuencis Mrs Barbara Huges


                                Sutra 2

                               The Ego

The Ego operates as a conditioned reflex directing the glucose and oxygen enriched brainbloodvolume into the brain centres that are in action.                                                                                                                 This Sutra explains the physiology of  how the brain centres work in relationship with the Ego.

The Ego is the speaking,listening ,reading and writing centre in the brain and is dependent on word recognition for it to function.

This Sutra was researched and written by Mr Bart Huges with support and advice from his amanuensis Mrs Barbara Huges

                                   Sutra 3

               Individual Self Realisation

Individual Self Realisation is the result of intellectually understanding and physically performing the 3 Sutras of the Yoga of Brainbloodvolume for some time- usually a few years. Through this practise the Individual Isness incarnated in a male or female body of any skin colour, uses the Individual Self to replace the familial/societal birth-groupmind created individual mind and it's creation the conditioned Identity as the Ego's correct operating identity. This replacement is achieved by continuous, frequent DEEP NASAL BREATHING 24/7 and by using minor and major psychovitamins with their temporary experiential knowingness of the Isness of the Universe. These actions over time completely eradicate the individual mind and its creation the individual conditioned identity and their ,since birth, psychic  domination by and surrender to their source which is the familial birth-Goupmind.

You are a small ,equal, independent, genderless piece of the Isness of the Universe incarnated in a body of either gender and of any colour. At birth an energy matrix ( the mind) is imposed over your brain which is made up of the groupmind energy of the people aware of the birth. Straight after the birth your mind starts to create a conditioned identity, with the help of the parenters, with which you come to identify as you, forgetting your eternal nature as a small equal, genderless piece of the Isness of the Universe in the process. 

Self realisation is the process of dissolving mind and conditioned Identity completely and permanently which is only possible by increasing brainbloodvolume, oxygen and glucose permanently, leaving you, the Individual Isness, in the state of separate and merged with the Isness of the Universe( Yoga) which is not a being or beingness of any kind

Process of Conditioning:

A foetus in the womb has no mind and no conditioned Identity, but a stockpile of good, bad and neutral karma which has determined it's incarnation.                                                                                                            A foetus in the womb has maximum brainbloodvolume, maximum glucose and maximum oxygen.              A foetus in the womb is in Union with the Isness of the Universe

At birth an energy matrix- the mind-  is imposed over the brain of the emerging baby. This energy matrix -the mind- is made up of the groupmind energy of the people who are aware of the birth. Straight after the birth, the mind under guidance of the parents/carers creates a conditioned Identity the foundation of which is the name given to the newborn, which is usually the first word that the newborn hears repeated over and over again, learning to identify with it as itself. This process of mind starting to take over control of the brain centres through using the Ego ( which directs the blood to the braincentres in action determined by mind)and the process of you , the small ,equal, autonomous , genderless part of the Isness of the Universe ( or eternal self) starting to identify with the conditioned Identity as you and forgetting your eternal nature, diminishes brainbloodvolume by about one fifth of volume of the original 5 fifth of maximum brainbloodvolume you had in the womb.

Since the foetus in the womb has maximum brainbloodvolume ( and therefore has access to all the brain centres , but not the knowledge how to use the brain yet )the pineal body is also still working. The pineal body is activated by pressure exerted by surrounding tissue and secretes a substance that restricts the drain veins in the neck thereby increasing brainbloodvolume to maximum. After mind takes control of the baby's brain by inventing and building up the conditioned Identity through using the Ego, the pineal body slowly stops working as brainbloodvolume steadily decreases and pressure on the pineal body reduces and eventually stops. This happens by age 4-5. The brainbloodvolume has diminshed by another one fifth due to the pineal body ceasing the release of it's secretion.

At the end of childhood around age 18 the Cranial Plates in the skull seal resulting in another loss of about one fifths of brainbloodvolume due to the effects of gravity.

You now start your adult life having lost at least 3 fifths of the brainbloodvolume you had in the womb and mind and conditioned Identity in control of your brain and body, excluding you from consciousness and excluding you from any awareness of your eternal nature as a small , equal, independent, genderless, piece of the Isness of the Universe incarnated in a human body of either gender.

Self realisation is the process of dissolving mind and conditioned Identity and restoring maximum brainbloodvolume maximum glucose and maximum oxygen. This process neutralises both your good and bad Karma, freeing you from the wheel of life , death and rebirth and leaving you living in the state of separate and merged in permanent union with the Isness of the Universe ( Yoga).

You have been conditioned since birth by your innocently ignorant and unaware parenters to believe and act as if you are the familial birth -groupmind created Conditioned Identity. But as you grew from birth your life's experiences led you ( the Individual Isness reading this ) to create an alternative unique INDVIDUAL SELF ID-ENTITY as the operating system for  the Ego of the body that you, the INDIVIDUAL ISNESS are incarnated in. This leads to cerebral conflict for control over the EGO between the INDIVIDUAL ISNESS created INDIVIDUAL SELF and the individual ,familial, societal created INDIVIDUAL CONDITIONED IDENTITY, which can only be resolved by practising the 3 Sutras of the Yoga of Brainbloodvolume which in turn will completely eradicate the INDIVIDUAL MIND and its creation the INDIVIDUAL CONDITIONED IDENTITY and will leave you, the INDIVIDUAL ISNESS ( which is a small, equal, inependent portion of the ISNESS of the UNIVERSE), in charge of the EGO and the body and in permanent UNION(YOGA) with the ISNESS of the UNIVERSE.

               There is no stopping us now

This Sutra was researched and written by Mr Mannley Collins with support and help fom amanuencis Mrs Grene Collins

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