
The Yoga of Brainbloodvolume is the beginning of the renewal of Yoga. Yoga practice as taught today is a thorough corruption of the Yoga practices of Yogis thousands of years ago.

"This development can be followed in all Great religions of the world. Religion does not develop from lower stages to higher ones and to a peak. Religion starts with a deep insight into the hidden dimension of reality and this insight remains a living reality for a time, but gradually becomes a memory of the original event, eventually turning into legend and myth. Over it is erected an elaborate theological or scholastic doctrine with accompanying  institutionalised worship and ritual carried out and overseen by a hierarchy of ecclesiastics. For a further period of time this externalisation of the original spiritual insight serves as a civilising factor and raises the moral standards of society. But when the religious superstructure becomes too rigid it proves to be a hindrance and a negative force.

The original insight is usually contributed by a charismatic founder who claims to have direct experience of the ultimate reality ( like Gautam Buddha) or to be in direct communication with God ( like Jesus) or to have been chosen by God to reveal his will ( like Mohammed).Inevitably with time , the institutionalisation of the spiritual message sets in, and ritual, originally a meaningful reenactment of the events and methods which culminated in the founder's or prophet's insights, becomes a routine  and a formal act of worship. This does not mean all is lost. Each religion has the potential for renewal, because it carries within itself the symbolic reference to the original insight at its core which is , to some extent, kept alive by its contemplatives and mystics." Quoted from The Heritage of the Vedas by Dr Karel Werner.

The Yoga of Brainbloodvolume is a complete reset of the understanding and correct practice of Yoga. It supersedes ALL previous Yoga teachings

The Yoga of Brainbloodvolume applies to every human body alive, independent of gender, race , colour, sexual preferences, beliefs, neurodiversity ,intelligence, education, physical disability etc. It is the new universal message.

                         PERMANENTLY PRESSED OUT


The YOGA of BRAINBLOODVOLUME will,through intellectual understanding and physical practise of its 3 SUTRAS, lead the INDIVIDUAL ISNESS incarnated in the human body of any gender or skin colour into living in the metaphysically mystical state of SELF-REALISATION with its EXPERIENTIAL KNOWINGNESS of  RE-UNION with the ISNESS of the UNIVERSE.  This is the state of experiential knowingness of your unique and autonomous nature as an INDIVIDUAL ISNESS.

Every INDIVIDUAL ISNESS is a small but equal and unique and autonomous portion of the ISNESS of the UNIVERSE that incarnates in a series of human bodies,lifetime after lifetime,until SELF-REALISATION,with its concomitant UNION with the ISNESS of the UNIVERSE is attained to. This state is BEYOND ENLIGHTENMENT and has no gods or godesses. Your active membership of this state generates neutral Karma leading to experiential knowingness of  the  "something behind it all" which is the ISNESS of the UNIVERSE and which is the Creative Centre of all beings and beingness. Existence is revealed as its very "SELF"



                                   SUTRA 1

                  HOMO SAPIENS CORRECTUS

                         The Large Mechanism


In this, the 1st SUTRA, Bart Huges explains the disadvantages of having sealed Osseus Integuements of the cranium and how to bring about reversal of their effects of decreasing the brainbloodvolume by  trephination and/or by using psychovitamins with their temporary physiological and metaphysical effects of increasing the Brainbloodvolume. By increasing the glucose and oxygen content of the blood you will experience "the best vibes that there are in all existence "-- your eternal nature awaits--come! Explore YOUR-SELF--..


Brainbloodvolume and cerebrospinal fluid are 2 bodily fluids permanently subjected to gravity's downward pull . Cerebrospinal fluid is lighter than blood , so it rises and floats upwards into swelling the brain ventricles while the brainblood is pulled down into the body's central nervous system, thereby decreasing the brainbloodvolume and preventing access to the higher braincentres. Any slight increase in the brainbloodvolume squeezes the brain's tissues which causes the pineal body in the brain to be squeezed and secrete its psychovitamin Bufotenin which in turn restricts the drain veins in the neck thereby increasing the brainbloodvolume. All other psychovitamins ( LSD, Mescalin, Psyllocybin, Cannabis) also act by constricting the drain veins in the neck , causing the brainbloodvolume to back up and accumulate in the brain thereby increasing the volume of blood in the brain -- the Mechanism of Brainbloodvolume in action. If there is sufficient oxygen and glucose in the brainblood the effects of Hypoxia(insufficient oxygen) and Hypoglycaemia(insufficient glucose) will be avoided and the experience will lead to experiential knowingness of your eternal nature.

This 1st SUTRA was researched and written by Mr Bart Huges with support and advice from his ammanuencis Mrs Barbara Huges


                                Sutra 2

                               The Ego

The Ego operates as a conditioned reflex directing the glucose and oxygen enriched brainbloodvolume into the brain centres that are in action.                                                                                                                 This Sutra explains the physiology of  how the brain centres work in relationship with the Ego.

The Ego is the speaking,listening ,reading and writing centre in the brain and is dependent on word recognition for it to function.

This Sutra was researched and written by Mr Bart Huges with support and advice from his amanuensis Mrs Barbara Huges

                                   Sutra 3

               Individual Self Realisation

Individual Self Realisation is the result of intellectually understanding and physically performing the 3 Sutras of the Yoga of Brainbloodvolume for some time- usually a few years. Through this practise the Individual Isness incarnated in a male or female body of any skin colour, uses the Individual Self to replace the familial/societal birth-groupmind created individual mind and it's creation the conditioned Identity as the Ego's correct operating identity. This replacement is achieved by continuous, frequent DEEP NASAL BREATHING 24/7 and by using minor and major psychovitamins with their temporary experiential knowingness of the Isness of the Universe. These actions over time completely eradicate the individual mind and its creation the individual conditioned identity and their ,since birth, psychic  domination by and surrender to their source which is the familial birth-Goupmind.

You are a small ,equal, independent, genderless piece of the Isness of the Universe incarnated in a body of either gender and of any colour. At birth an energy matrix ( the mind) is imposed over your brain which is made up of the groupmind energy of the people aware of the birth. Straight after the birth your mind starts to create a conditioned identity, with the help of the parenters, with which you come to identify as you, forgetting your eternal nature as a small equal, genderless piece of the Isness of the Universe in the process. 

Self realisation is the process of dissolving mind and conditioned Identity completely and permanently which is only possible by increasing brainbloodvolume, oxygen and glucose permanently, leaving you, the Individual Isness, in the state of separate and merged with the Isness of the Universe( Yoga) which is not a being or beingness of any kind

Process of Conditioning:

A foetus in the womb has no mind and no conditioned Identity, but a stockpile of good, bad and neutral karma which has determined it's incarnation. A foetus in the womb has maximum brainbloodvolume, maximum glucose and maximum oxygen. A foetus in the womb is in Union with the Isness of the Universe.

At birth an energy matrix- the mind-  is imposed over the brain of the emerging baby. This energy matrix -the mind- is made up of the groupmind energy of the people who are aware of the birth. Straight after the birth, the mind under guidance of the parents/carers creates a conditioned Identity the foundation of which is the name given to the newborn, which is usually the first word that the newborn hears repeated over and over again, learning to identify with it as itself. This process of mind starting to take over control of the brain centres through using the Ego ( which directs the blood to the braincentres in action determined by mind)and the process of you , the small ,equal, autonomous , genderless part of the Isness of the Universe ( or eternal self) starting to identify with the conditioned Identity as you and forgetting your eternal nature, diminishes brainbloodvolume , leaving you with less than the  maximum brainbloodvolume you had in the womb.

Since the foetus in the womb has maximum brainbloodvolume ( and therefore has access to all the brain centres , but not the knowledge how to use the brain yet )the pineal body is also still working. The pineal body is activated by pressure exerted by surrounding tissue and secretes a substance that restricts the drain veins in the neck thereby increasing brainbloodvolume to maximum. After mind takes control of the baby's brain by inventing and building up the conditioned Identity through using the Ego, the pineal body slowly stops working as brainbloodvolume steadily decreases and pressure on the pineal body reduces and eventually stops. This happens by age 4-5. The effect of the pineal body ceasing to function diminishes brainbloodvolume further.  

At the end of childhood around age 18 the Cranial Plates in the skull seal resulting in another loss of  of brainbloodvolume due to the effects of gravity.

You now start your adult life having lost at least 3 fifths of the brainbloodvolume you had in the womb and mind and conditioned Identity being in control of your brain and body, excluding you from consciousness and excluding you from any awareness of your eternal nature as a small , equal, independent, genderless, piece of the Isness of the Universe incarnated in a human body of either gender.

Self realisation is the process of dissolving mind and conditioned Identity and restoring maximum brainbloodvolume maximum glucose and maximum oxygen. This process neutralises both your good and bad Karma, freeing you from the wheel of life , death and rebirth and leaving you living in the state of separate and merged in permanent union with the Isness of the Universe ( Yoga).

You have been conditioned since birth by your innocently ignorant and unaware parenters to believe and act as if you are the familial birth -groupmind created Conditioned Identity. But as you grew from birth your life's experiences led you ( the Individual Isness reading this ) to create an alternative unique INDVIDUAL SELF ID-ENTITY as the operating system for  the Ego of the body that you, the INDIVIDUAL ISNESS are incarnated in. This leads to cerebral conflict for control over the EGO between the INDIVIDUAL ISNESS created INDIVIDUAL SELF and the individual ,familial, societal created INDIVIDUAL CONDITIONED IDENTITY, which can only be resolved by practising the 3 Sutras of the Yoga of Brainbloodvolume which in turn will completely eradicate the INDIVIDUAL MIND and its creation the INDIVIDUAL CONDITIONED IDENTITY and will leave you, the INDIVIDUAL ISNESS ( which is a small, equal, inependent portion of the ISNESS of the UNIVERSE), in charge of the EGO and the body and in permanent UNION(YOGA) with the ISNESS of the UNIVERSE.

               There is no stopping us now

This Sutra was researched and written by Mr Mannley Collins with support and help fom amanuencis Mrs Grene Collins

  For further information and advice contact


                                                            The six fundamental Yogas

The six fundamental Yogas need to be pratised in conjunction with each other. All six fundamental Yogas are misleading and detrimental if practised in isolation from each other. They are listed here in the order of the seven chakras, starting with Hatha Yoga which relates to the second chakra. The first, Tantra Yoga will be dealt with last since Tantra deals with Kundalini which connects all the chakras and is the beginning and the end, the interface between the physical and the metaphysical.

                                                                                    Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga is the Yoga of breathing , postures and diet. The most important value of this Yoga is its emphasis on your breathing. As is written in many old Kriya Yoga texts, deep breathing dissolves your thoughts, prolonged deep nasal breathing will dissolve mind but not permanently, as unless the conditioning that brought mind into being is eradicated, the mind will always return. The only way to eradicate these conditioning processes is to dissolve conditioned Identity permanently through the practice of the synthesis of the six fundamental Yogas. Using such practices as the headstand, deep breathing and contemplation and use of psychovitamins the aspiring Yogi/ Yogini turns knowledge into knowingness and enters into the state of temporary union with the Isness of the Universe, the state of separate and merged. Deep breathing should be practised 24/7 by taking deep nasal breaths as often as possible throughout day and night. Pranayama exercises are not essential. The aim is to increase oxygen in the brainblood to maximum permanently which is only possible through continued deep breathing.                                                                         Diet: a vegetarian diet is not recommended unless one has access to high levels of vegetable protein, since a diet high in protein increases brainbloodvolume. The diet should be organic and free of any toxins since your perception is affected by toxins in the blood during brain metabolism. Occasional fasting( at least 24 hours - care must be taken to drink a lot of pure water during a fast) is recommended so as to detoxify the body and also to gain experiential knowingness of the effects of lack of glucose in the brainblood ( Hypoglaecemia). The spiring Yogi/Yogini should avoid caffeine any other stimulants  legal or illegal and tobaccoo, alcoholand any other drugs. The use of psychovitamins is advised. These are Cannabis which should only be taken in accordance with the knowledge of the mechanism of brainbloodvolume above and should not be taken with other drugs.The major psychovitamins ( LSD, Mescalin, Psyllocibin and DMT) should the first time only be taken after a few months of Yoga practise have been completed. The major psychovitamins should the first few times only be taken under the guidance of a person who has experiential knowingness of and training in the Yoga of brainbloodvolume.                                                                                                     Postures: it is recommended to do one hour of Hatha Yoga postures every day, focussing on deep breathing throughout. Hatha Yoga should be practised alone ( so as not to be confused by other people's vibes), nude if not too cold ( clothes are used by the mind to project the conditioned Identity through, so not wearing clothes makes it easier to distance one's self from the conditioned Identity), no jewellery , no incense, no music no distractions of any kind. The sequence of postures should end with the headstand, followed by 10 minutes relaxing in the corpse pose while deep breathing.

                                                                                         Karma Yoga

Karma means work or process. Karma is only generated by actions. Karma is good, bad or neutral. Karma Yoga is the system of moral and ethical guidance created by the Isness of the Universe ( the source of all) to guide each individual Self( you- the Individual Isness)incarnated in a human body of either gender towards entering the state of self realisation when one is physically separated from and simultaneously metaphysically merged with the Isness of the Universe. When mind and conditioned Identity are present only good and bad Karma can be generated. Both good and bad Karma tie you to the wheel of birth, life, death and rebirth. The circumstances of the Individual Isness in its next incarnation are determined by the proportions of the good , bad and neutral karmic energy generated and accumulated by all your bodies' actions in all previous lifetimes. The practice of the synthesis of the six fundamental Yogas generates neutral karma which will eradicate individual mind and it's operating system the conditioned identity and will neutralise dualistic good and bad karma. Non dualistic neutral karma can only be generated by the individual Isness initiating and committing the 3 non dualistic, ethically and morally and physiologically and metaphysically correct Yogic actions of  (1)  deep nasal breathing  (2)  contemplation of the physiological and metaphysical issues involved and   (3)  following correct dietary principles. Once mind and conditioned Identity have been dissolved the practitioner is free of the wheel of birth, life, death and rebirth. Karma Yoga is the process of the work involved in carrying out the practice of the synthesis of the six fundamental Yogas that transforms the body from the level of mind and conditioned Identity to the level of no mind and no conditioned Identity. This transforms the vibrations of the practitioner from the low intensity of mind and conditioned identity to the higher intensity of vibrations of no mind and conditioned Identity. Continual practice of the synthesis of the six fundamental Yogas sets in motion the ongoing process of transformation that results in the state of being physically separated from and simultaneously metaphysically merged with the isness of the Universe.

                                                                                         Bhakti Yoga

Bhakti Yoga is the Yoga of gratitude and unconditional love. Unconditional love is the energy flowing from an open heart chakra in a person who has no mind and no conditioned Identity. Unconditional Love is when you love everyone alive  without exception, irrespective of their behaviour or beliefs. Unconditional love is non dualistic. Conditional love is dualistic and is an emotion , with its opposite being hate. Conditional love is love given only if certain mind generated conditions are fulfilled by the recipient.Conditional love is generated by mind and its operating system the conditioned identity. Unconditional love is energy only generated in a person without mind and without conditioned Identity, it is the foundation of consciousness and the beginning of insight into the nature of existence.                                                           The reason for being alive in a body is to understand the Isness of the Universe itself experientially, from the point of view of realising your own eternal nature as the small, independent,individual , genderless piece of the Isness of the Universe that you are, incarnate and transient. Bhakti Yoga is the practice of giving thanks internally for being given this opportunity in being alive to realise our own existential nature. Bhakti Yoga is celebration of life. Bhakti Yogi is not going to temples and bowing to statues.

The traditional path of a Samana( which is still practised in India) was to go wandering, leaving all material possessions behind, carrying sleeping mat and blanket , a second outfit, cooking pots and some occult Yoga texts to study, and living a life of meditation and contemplation, while begging to survive. The practise of begging teaches the Samana humility and gratitude.                                                                                                                                                                  Creative pursuits , particularly making music are recommended for Bhakti Yoga practice. Don't bother about musical theories and reading notes, play your heart, we all have our own song ---play it, sing it, dance it or paint it, celebrate life with Love, Surrender and Devotion !!

                                                                           Gnana Yoga

The word Gnana is translated as knowledge, referring to the knowledge of the techniques and practices of the synthesis of the six fundamental Yogas which are used in daily practice by a Yogi/ Yogini to turn intellectual knowledge into experiential knowingness of the existential, metaphysical nature of existence on either a temporary or permanent basis. Intellectual knowledge alone merely enables the mind and conditioned Identity through using the imagination and the intellect to deceive the individual Isness into believing that it is the mind generated conditioned Identity. A lot of so- called spiritual teachers are trapped in a mind generated conditioned Identity of being an "Enlightened One" Experiential knowingness is awareness of the state of union ( Yoga) of you , the individual Isness with the Isness of the Universe. 

Intellectual Knowledge can only be written, read and remembered.                                                                                                      Experiential knowingness can only be experienced and lived.                                                                                                           Intellectual knowledge is living in duality, identifying yourself as mind/ conditioned Identity.                                               Experiential knowingness is living beyond duality, having dissolved mind and conditioned identity permanently, living as separate and merged with the Isness of the universe.                                                                                                             Intellectual knowledge cannot dissolve mind and conditioned Identity.                                                                             Experiential knowingness has dissolved mind and conditioned identity.                                                                             Intellectual knowledge can tell you that there is the isness of the Universe, but cannot take you into union with it. Experiential knowingness is being in Union with the Isness of the universe , the state of separate and merged. Intellectual knowledge can only generate conditional love.                                                                                                   Experiential knowingness is unconditional love.                                                                                                                                      Intellectual knowledge speaks truths only.                                                                                                                                               Experiential knowingness is speaking truthfully.                                                                                                                                  Truthful speech is the only way to open the throat chakra.                      

Permanent experiential knowingness can only be gained through the practise of the Yoga of Brainbloodvolume.   

                                                                                  Raja Yoga 

Raja Yoga is the Yoga of transcendence.                                                                                                                                                      This Yoga combines the other five fundamental Yogas into one practice , using elements from each in order that the individual isness can transcend the mind and conditioned Identity on a temporary or permanent basis. This transcendence will enable the Samana to experience the state of Union ( Yoga) with the isness of the Universe.  Two practices are paramount for the Samana: (1) Breathing  (2) Contemplation.                                                                               Permanent union can only take place after the mind and conditioned Identity have been dissolved permanently, after which mind and conditioned Identity cannot be reconstituted by the practitioner.                                                                       Temporary union takes place after the mind and conditioned Identity has dissolved temporarily, after which the mind and conditioned Identity will reassert its control over the brain functions to mislead the individual isness into believing it is the conditioned Identity. This short insight is called enlightenment. Most enlightened teachers have been mislead by their mind into believing that they are an "Enlightened One" which is simply another conditioned Identity created by the mind using the imagination to mislead  the practitioner into believing that they are still in the state of Union that they experienced for a short time.                                                                                                                                                          Through correct practice of the six fundamental Yogas one can enter the state of no mind and conditioned Identity, in permanent union with the isness of the Universe. Raja Yoga is the core of Yoga ruling over the other five fundamental Yogas.

Raja Yoga uses parts of all other five fundamental Yogas to synthesise the practice that dissolves mind and conditioned Identity.                                                                                                                                                                                                                From Hatha Yoga the practitioner will select the posture that gives most comfort and allows deep breathing easily.         From Karma Yoga the practitioner will rest rest on a bed of neutral karma earned from the work completed.                     From Bhakti Yoga the practitioner will let flow the unconditional love of the Isness of the Universe.                                     From Gnana Yoga the practitioner will select the appropriate technique for turning intellectual knowledge into experiential knowingness.                                                                                                                                                                              From Tantra Yoga the practitioner will be empowered by the energy ( Kundalini) released from the base chakra.              The correct practice of Raja Yoga will enable the individual isness ( eternal self) to come into control of the brain.            Breathing and contemplation are the twin paths to the top of the mountain to be climbed.                                                        Breathing is always through the nose with each breath being measured and deep. Pauses occur between the in-breaths and out-breaths and between the out-breaths and in-breaths. Contemplation is focused on the nothingness of the Isness of the Universe ( Brahman). The in-breaths take in both oxygen and Prana/ life force. The out-breaths release carbon dioxide. Controlled breathing kills thought ( which is generated by mind). Uncontrolled breathing creates thought.

The final end of Yoga is complete and permanent dissolution of mind and conditioned Identity leading to the individual Isness/ eternal self  being physically separate and metaphysically merged with the Isness of the Universe.

                                                                                 Tantra Yoga

                                                                            Joint Transcendence

Most religions including the corruption of Yoga that we know as Yoga today, advise the practise of celibacy as being necessary to achieve higher consciousness or "holiness". This is a lie. Celibacy is to be avoided. It is in fact through sex that it is possible to reach temporarily the highest state of consciousness which is beyond mind and conditioned Identity, the state of separate and merged with the Isness of the Universe. After this insight the aspiring Yogi / Yogini will be aware that the answers to the eternal existential question of life are only found in the personal individual experience and not in any religion. The yoga of brainbloodvolume is the only path to experiential knowingness of the nature of existence, since it is based on human physiological facts.

Since you are a small , equal, individual, autonomous piece of the Isness of the Universe incarnated in a human body of either gender, your body truly is your temple. Sex resulting in joint transcendence is the ultimate and the only true act of worship.

Tantra Yoga is the Yoga of transcendence of mind and conditioned identity through sexual orgasm/ kundalini. The physical sexual union of man and woman ,either aspiring or qualified Yogi and Yogini in a loving , truthful relationship with each other is the only tantric Yoga practise that brings them into temporary or permanent joint union with the Isness of the universe. When the Yogi and Yogini both achieve orgasm ( not ejaculation ) simultaneously, both their personal energies ( positive for the man, negative for the woman) combine together and neutralise each other and cause the two to merge as one on the psychic level.( This is not possible for practitioners of the same gender since the opposing energies of male and female are needed for the two to merge.)Orgasm is the release of the energy( kundalini) that is stored in the basal nerve ganglia ( base chakra, which is where the perineum is). This energy travels up the spinal column into the cranial cavity which causes an increase in brainbloodvolume which in turn activates the pineal body( crown chakra) The secretion of the pineal body restricts the drain veins in the neck increasing brainbloodvolume to maximum until the cranial plates are forced apart, which was called "the opening of the thousand petalled lotus" by the ancient Yogis. This results in the ultimate "holy trinity" , which is a man and a woman merged through joint transcendence sharing the state of separate and merged with the Isness of the Universe, the highest state of beingness available to a human being.                                                                                                                                                                        Partners of the same gender( same physical energy) can reach orgasm individually and share the experience psychically but cannot merge the way partners of the opposite sex( opposing energies) can.                                                             Orgasm( kundalini) is only triggered off when the correct degree of cerebral sexual arousal is reached and both partners let go of mind and conditioned Identity. Cerebral arousal is heightened by eroticism. Physical sexual arousal on its own does not trigger orgasm. Orgasm ( kundalini ) is the interface between the physical and the metaphysical. Orgasm takes one beyond mind and conditioned Identity into a state of temporary union with the isness of the Universe which is the essence of existence and non existence, where the body is there but does not constitute an isolating border any more. Orgasm can not be experienced while there is mind and conditioned Identity. Ejaculation is not orgasm and in men ends the possibility of orgasm taking place so should be delayed as long as possible during sex, whereas in women ejaculation often heightens physical and cerebral arousal and multiple ejaculations are possible which can trigger orgasm. 

Orgasm ( kundalini) is only possible through sex amongst consenting adults. Non -consensual sex will never result in orgasm and transcendence of mind and conditioned Identity. Love and trust for the partner are essential for transcendence through sex.                                                                                                                                                                            A fully self realised Yogi /Yogini lives in a state of permanent orgasm / kundalini which is at low level when not indulging in sexual activity.                                                                                                                                                                             As all the other five fundamental Yogas ,Tantra Yoga must be practised with Love, Surrender and Devotion

                                       Definition of an Analyst/Therapist (Guru)

A valid and trustworthy analyst/ therapist is a human being of either gender who through individual Isness initiated and directed practice has dissolved mind and conditioned identity permanently, thereby allowing that small ,equal, individual, autonomous , genderless piece of the Isness to take control over the brain centres and functions. This process gives the individual Isness control of the ego thus controlling the brain centres , leading to the individual Isness' control over the body as it enters the state of separate and merged.

This process of becoming a Yogi/ Yogini involves analysing the individual obstacles ( physical/ physiological /psychological) to the dissolution of mind and conditioned Identity and devising the appropriate therapy to be followed by the Samana( aspiring Yogi/Yogini). The analyst/ therapist will offer methods on a take it or leave it basis, so that the Samana gets the results that empower him or her to become the temporary equal of the therapist / analyst. The samana must always be able to answer his or her own questions for themselves internally through correct practice and must not be deceived by the teacher's apparent certitude. Results are the only criteria of validity and any result less than temporary Union with the Isness of the Universe( which is the essence of creation ) can only lead to internal slavery to one of the many "spiritual" groupminds. It is recommended that the Samana puts their trust in an analyst/therapist (Yogi or Yogini) who has reached the final end of Yoga and who will be able to guide the samana into a short temporary union with the Isness of the Universe and will be able to guide the samana to avoid the deceptions that mind and conditioned Identity are so good at.

One can only suspect that a person has reached the final end of yoga, a position allowing for doubt and doubt is healthy and will be encouraged by the Yogi/ Yogini.

For a person seeking a valid guide it is best to avoid any person whose vibes( presence) makes them feel that the so called teacher has reached a state of godliness or divinity and is surrounded by a group of enthusiastic people who talk of the teacher's "enlightenment", as this projected thoughtform is a sure indication of deceptive mental activity. This feeling of divinity will simply be a projection of the groupmind energy which depending on the size of the groupmind can be considerable. Care must be taken , common sense should not be abandoned and continuing doubts and probing questions are recommended when choosing a guide. However trust is essential once a guide has been chosen, always tempered by doubt and questions.

 This is not an attempt to set up any kind of business or ashram.

The only person qualified to teach the Yoga of Brainbloodvolume is Grene Collins. Anybody else claiming to do so is a fraud. 

Researched by Mannley Collins with some support and advice from Grene Collins ,written by Mannley and Grene Collins.